Life Cycle Assessment Studies and EPD Reports of

XMix X500,XMix HPS PLUS, and Xtreme WR33 Products – X-Calibur Company

Life Cycle Assessment Studies and EPD Reports of XMix X500,XMix HPS PLUS, and Xtreme WR33 Products – X-Calibur Company


  • X-Calibur: EPD Report of Xtreme WR33 Product

  • X-Calibur: EPD Report of X-MIX X500 Product

  • X-Calibur: EPD Report of X-MIX HPS PLUS Product


Team Members

  • Dr. Nasser Ayoub, Environmental Life Cycle Assessment Expert
  • Eng. Ahmed Alaa, Environmental Manager
  • Eng. Ashrakat AbdelWahab, Environmental and Lifecycle Assessment Senior Associate

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