NDCs: Nationally Determined Contributions

Nationally Determined, Globally Targeting

Paris Agreement adoption at COP 21 in 2015 was a milestone in the history of Climate Change. 195 countries in addition to the European Union pledged to take all necessary measures in the short, medium, and long terms to combat Climate Change.

NDCs are a cornerstone of this agreement. It represents the fundamental mechanism to show how each country contributes to the collective efforts to fulfill the objective of keeping the increase in global temperature to well below 2°C with respect to the pre-industrial era.

Preparatory Phase. As NDCs pair with national policies, countries determine their contributions in the international context. DCarbon can assist governments to formulate their priorities, circumstances, and capabilities, and pinpoint available activities that can contribute to developing the NDCs. Preparatory work also includes the consideration of key strategic questions, such as the scope, timeframe, and status of the NDCs’ implementation plan.

Why Dcarbon

DCarbon works with you to optimize your organizational growth forecast, developing and implementing resilient strategies, effective management systems, and data-driven assessments.

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Clear View

Our analytics will provide an accurate and clear view of the business’s current state and competitive opportunities.

Improved Management

We’ll provide approaches and tools to manage your team and inspire it to achieve strategic results.

Smart Decisions

We’ll provide you with multiple process-improving decisions leading to more stable growth, connected with both management and operations.

Development Roadmap

We’ll create a roadmap making sure your strategy development is flexible but steadily leading towards your goals.

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