Carbon Footprint Report

You can only improve what you measure

Many companies around the world are assessing their carbon footprints for various reasons including the growth of carbon tax legislation, public disclosure, integrated reporting, or just the realization that it’s good for business. Others use carbon footprint to reduce operational costs. Businesses who measure their carbon footprints are better able to understand, quantify, and manage climate change-related impacts, risks, and opportunities. The collective goal of measuring CFP is to reduce carbon emissions, strengthen disclosure and improve governance on climate change issues. There are several internationally recognized CFP reporting standards that can be followed to assess and disclose CFP. Carbon Footprint assessment measures the total set of greenhouses gases that are emitted at different stages of a product’s life cycle.

Discuss the purpose of CFP Reporting

CFP is a goal-oriented study and it is crucial to set this goal early in the reporting process. In this stage, we work with you to answer the question “Why you are Reporting CFP?”. In answering this question, organizations have several answers such as:

  1. Demonstrating company compliance.
  2. Quantifying and identifying emission “Hot Spots” in the organization’s supply chain and managing them.
  3. Identifying specific company actions aimed at improving GHG performance.
  4. LCFP is considered as an assurance tool by environmentally concerned stakeholder.
  5. LCFP computation can use be in marketing the organization.
  6. Gain an important competitive edge in the expanding carbon emissions industry.
  7. LCFP quantification, monitoring, and reporting.

Why Dcarbon

Our experts spread the value of sustainability reporting by developing sustainability and carbon footprint reports for companies in Egypt and the Middle East.

Organizational value
We help your business maximize long-term organizational value.

Investors’ value
We help you measure and disclose ESG data to show resilient and sustainable performance to investors and other stakeholders.

Social value
Throughout the reporting process, we assist you in building trust and engage with your people and community.

Results You Can Expect

Clear View

Our analytics will provide an accurate and clear view of the business current state and competitive opportunities

Improved Management

We’ll provide approaches and tools to manage your team and inspire it to achieve strategic results

Smart Decisions

We’ll provide you multiple process-improving decisions leading to more stable growth, connected with both management and operations

Development Roadmap

We’ll form a roadmap making sure your strategy development is flexible but steadily leading towards your goals

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