Banque du Caire

GRI Report 

GRI Report
Banque du Caire…Banque for a Purpose

Since the appointment of the new board in January 2018, Banque du Caire (BDC) has undergone a transformation journey with the objective to capitalize on all business segments, promote financial inclusion and leverage its solid range of products and services.

This transformation has not only enhanced their financial performance, but also has resulted in creating shared value to their stakeholders.

BDC legacy of more than 6 decades gave them leverage to completely revamp their day-to-day operations through a comprehensive strategy that aims at transforming Banque du Caire into a client-focused organization with sustainable financial performance while maintaining the reliable and strong relationship with their clients that BDC has always been proud of.

Team Members:

Amira El- El-Marsafawy, VP.for Sustainable Finance and ESG Expert

To read the report press here :

DCarbon News

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