Vodafone Egypt

Carbon Footprint Report 


Vodafone Egypt Carbon Footprint Report 2018

This is an executive summary of Vodafone Egypt’s first annual carbon footprint report, for the year 2018. The findings of this report will be set as the baseline for future GHG reporting by Vodafone Egypt. The report follows the standards and guidance of the Greenhouse Gases (GHG) Protocol, The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), and Climate Registry methodology. Emission factors were identified based on the default values adopted by the Department for Environment, Food, and Rural Affairs (DEFRA), United Kingdom.

In addition, the report utilized the national electricity grid emission factors, and local independent research findings. This report accounts for CO2 , CH4 , N2 O, HFCs, and SF6 emissions from direct and indirect activities (Scope 1, 2 and 3) in the period between 1/1/2018 up until 31/12/2018. This report covers all Vodafone Egypt’s activities representing 100% of total Vodafone owned buildings, stores, and sites located in Egypt; and excluding third party consumption data and franchise activities.

“Noting that Vodafone Egypt already operates more than 200 solar stations in frontier locations across Egypt. We are also working on eliminating the need for diesel powered generators by deploying the latest clean technologies. Our sustainable business unit continues to deliver innovative initiatives to raise the environmental awareness of both our employees, partners, customers, and wider community. Since climate change action must be collective , we realize our duty to participate in national, regional, and global action across our sector, and with business and public partners” stated Alexandre Froment-Curtil, Vodafone Egypt CEO.

To know more about the report, please visit: http://internet.vodafone.com.eg/Vodafone%20Carbon%20Footprint%20Report%202018.pdf

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